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Arte y Skepticism book cover

The research group CREARESGEN (HUM-1025) of the University of Seville has chosen the work “Balance between the Mockingbird and the Lark” as the cover for its monograph Arte y Skepticism.

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The research group CREARESGEN (HUM-1025) of the University of Seville has chosen the work “Balance between the Mockingbird and the Lark” as the cover for its monograph Arte y Skepticism.

Festival Alcances

Poster design for the 55th edition of Alcances. Cádiz Documentary Film Festival.

28.09.2023 – 6.10.2023

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Poster design for the 55th edition of Alcances. Cádiz Documentary Film Festival.

28.09.2023 – 6.10.2023